Location Scouting with Augmented Reality
Planet PrePro has always been at the forefront in developing and sharing new technology to apply to our productions.
We've done this with our Location Scouting Database and the pppscout iPhone app, our Talent Database and iPad Casting app, and our production tools -
PPP PC, PPP Miles, PPP Expenses.
And now we are releasing PPP AR for the iPhone for Free. (click on the logo to the right to download the app)
• In realtime, ADD a 3D generic AR vehicle into your location images.
• Choose from a Compact, Hatchback, Coupe, Sedan, Crossover, SUV, Pickup Truck, or Van.
• Rotate the vehicle to match the desired position for the scene that you're scouting.
• Pick from eleven different colors for the vehicle.
• Set Reflections and Lighting that will blend the vehicle into your shot.
• And take a photograph of your scene to share with Photographers, Directors, Agency, and Clients.
Vehicle Models